Standish club apparel. Anyone who would like an item from the Clay-Walker web site please let me know. I have 3 orders now and need a total of 6. 
Select the item w/ color and name on it, heavy 9 oz or light 7 oz weight. I will send  you a price for the article.

The next shoot is the May 5, 2024. “May Day Handicap Shoot”, details to follow.

The last Sunday breakfast will be May 19, everyone enjoy the summer and we will pick up Sunday breakfasts again in September! 

Monday night .22 pistol league is still ongoing, come on down!

Members are reminded to pay for any paper targets used. 

The first Saturday of each month will be a work party 9AM-12PM, all help is appreciated.

3 gun is the 3rd Saturday of each month.