About Us
The Standish Sporstman's Association was founded in East Bridgewater in 1973 by three sportsman who were interested in the conservation of natural resources, including all game and fish, both fresh and saltwater.
In 1978 a parcel of land was purchased and in 1979 the club house was started. Most of the labor and material was donated by the members. The club house has expanded and now has a modern kitchen, an indoor 50 foot pistol range, an indoor 90 foot archery range, an outdoor 50 foot pistol range, a 100 yard outdoor rifle and pistol range with enclosed shooting stations, an officially laid out trap range, a skeet field, an outdoor archery range, an outdoor 30-target 3-D bow course, horseshoe pits and ample parking for members and quests on 100 acres of land
Our Mission
The Standish Sportsman’s Association is dedicated to the advancement of good sportsmanship and to the traditions of hunting and fishing, the preservation of open spaces and the protection of our environment.
Improvements to the club grounds and facilities are an ongoing priority and we spend many hours adding new shooting and archery opportunities.
The Standish Sportsman’s Association sponsors a number of activities to show our concern for our community. These include the Old Colony Young Marines, an annual East Bridgewater Seniors’ dinner, annual kids fishing derby and a youth archery program. We also send two campers to the Massachusetts Youth Conservation Camp each summer. Every year the club donates a college scholarship for East Bridgewater students that will be taking college courses with a focus on conservation.
Some of our on going activities are Sunday morning trap and skeet shooting, a 3D archery league, adult indoor archery league, and a senior members’ shoot out on Wednesdays.
The Southeastern Massachusetts Sportsmen’s Show is our annual Sportsmen \ Gun Show which is held at our club house in East Bridgewater each winter. This show is a two day event and has become the highlight of our year.
The Standish Sportsman’s Association is always looking for sportsmen and women who would like to join our ranks. Stop by the club house and fill out an application if you are interested.
The Members of The Standish Sportsman’s Association
Club Information
- Meeting Minutes
- Contacts
- All About Dues
- Annual Sportsmen's Show
- Recent Events
- Junior Rifle
- Junior Archers
- Annual Senior Dinner
- Annual Fishing Derby
- MA Jr. Conservation Camp
- Trap
- Skeet
- Archery
- 3D Archery
- Pistol Range
- Rifle Range
- Cowboy Action Shooting
- Apparel Order Form
- Forms and Applications
- Junior Rifle Release Form